Friday, December 26, 2008

Gun Control

Plaxico Burress, the football player that accidentally shot his own leg is facing (2) 3 ½ year prison terms for possession of handguns in the two of the communist areas of our country. Burress is a well known, wealthy man. He would be an easy target for a robbery. But he must accept any attempt at taking his life or money as inevitable, because he lives under the communist regime of New Jersey, and makes forays into the communist neighbor, New York City. He was subjected to a home invasion by the NJ gestapo to find out if they could bury him deeper, and to make damn sure he cannot defend his life.

I am not any friend of his, I care nothing for him personally. He is, however, an American citizen. But not all Americans have equal rights, as guaranteed under our Constitution.

It is too late to ban guns in our society. There are millions of them out there. The only defense against a gun, is another gun. But the self righteous ones that want to be known as leaders have inflicted their will on the public to gain fame and notoriety, even at the cost of the lives of the ones they represent.There is only one hope. It is that people speak loud and long to their commie officials in the hope of awakening them.

For those folks that want to have American rights, they should move away from the communistic governments reach. And they should tell all that will listen why they are leaving. There are more true American States than communist states. Just look at a map of gun control laws.

I live in an true American State. It is good to be a free man. How does it feel to be a subject of someone else's will? Do you folks feel good, knowing that you cannot make your own decisions? Big brother will take care of the thinking for you. Don't worry. Just go back to sleep.

As it now stands, only criminals can defend themselves. So all you women that live in commie land are directed by your all knowing public officials to accept rape. All you homeowners must allow home invasions. And as for all of you that carry money, your best bet is to hold it out in your hand so it can be easily grabbed. It might save your life.

As for all these cowardly officials, they are a cancer on society. They need to be eradicated by the election process. Only you, the subjects of these tyrants, can replace them. If you keep them in office, you get what you deserve. Drop your pants, unlock your houses, hand over your money.

Larry the Hillbilly

Ted Nugent

I believe that Ted Nugent is one of the most intelligent people in America. He represents much of what is good in our fine country.
He is a fine musician.
He does not smoke.
He does not drink.
He does not use drugs.

What does he do?
He believes in American rights.
He has the guts and intellect to stand up and speak about his beliefs.
He does not rest on his laurels, like some musicians that spend all their time living as hedonists.

Here is a man that could easily retire from public view, and live as well as anyone could. No need to use his fame and good name to fight for our rights. But he uses his hard earned reputation to make our lives better, by trying to educate those that have never heard or felt the real truth.

This man among men has chosen the high road. He works tirelessly to help educate children, and adults in the ways of freedom, personal protection, firearm safety, and the joys of hunting and the great outdoors.


Larry the Hillbilly

Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is a post from my old blog, dated 12-12-08

I have teased my friend many times about his home state having such strict gun laws. I do see that this is a nightmare for us all, though.

It would be in the best interest of the oppressed people in these states to arm themselves any way possible. It would also be in the best interest of the rest of the country if we didn't have to take up the slack left by these pseudo intellectual liberals.

This country was built on the desire for freedom. And, in the blind comfort of freedom, it has been taken for granted. It it not arguable that guns won our freedom. It took brave people, with tremendous desire. The people today that would disarm us today do not deserve to speak the names of our forefathers. They have betrayed the trust placed in them. Fortunately, these naive, disarmed fools will be the first die. That is the only good thing I see in our future.

Larry the Hillbilly
This is from my old blog, dated 11-07-07. Just got around to posting it here.
Just watched an AOL news video. The Mexican authorities make the worlds largest cocaine bust ever. 26 tons, equal to 21,000 packets. I don't know how big a packet is, but it looked like a couple pounds each. Probably a kilo. So big deal. They did their jobs for once.

Now the US is considering helping the Mexican government in this effort by giving them $1.6 billion dollars.
More of our money, gone to feed worthless governments that cannot control their own garbage. They wont spend this money on drug problems. They will use it for personal stuff. If anyone thinks this is not true, I have an Easter Bunny tale to tell you, so you can get back to sleep with a smile one your face. The Mexican government must be the most pathetic in the world, all their crap ends up here.

I wonder how much razor wire fence could be bought with that money? Or how many border guards could be hired? I personally would use it to fund the militias that are trying to stop the crap from getting into America. If left alone, they would solve the problem. Quietly and quickly. Without interference from a government of spineless politicians.

When will the politicians get it? This is cancer. But this cancer has a cure. The cure does not include being pacifist about it. Can somebody with some guts please step up to the plate?

Larry the Hillbilly