Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I vote..always.

I haven't posted for a while because I didn't have anything worth saying. But now there is this...

On Monday, April 5, 2010, I went to the courthouse and changed my voter registration.

Back in time a bit...
In 1974, about a week after my 18th birthday, I registered as a democrat. It was always the party of my family, and the union I belonged to always supported the democrats, so I always felt I was doing the right thing. And, in a way, I was. In all those years, I only missed one small city voting opportunity. That was because all concerned were losers. I have never missed a major election, and I hope to keep it that way.

Back to now...
Anyone with their eyes open can see the major changes in the party. They no longer try to represent the average person. They only focus on minorities. They want a socialized system where the upper incomes are reduced to raise up the lower incomes.

In my house, looking at my personal budget, I cannot spend more money to get my debts paid off. That would only worsen my finances. Doesn't this scale up to equal the same situation in a national scale? Or am I expected to be so stupid as to not know the big secrets that they are privvy to? Some hidden, amazing thing we are expected to believe in? Why do they think we are stupid? What gives them the right to plow over the wishes of the majority of Americans?

Somehow, over the past 15 years or so, both major parties have become extreme. In an attempt to out-extreme each other, they have become either ultra conservative, or ultra liberal. I personally am neither of these.

Am I happy with my new party? Hell no! Because neither major party represents us any more. Only minorities and special interest groups get representation from our elected "public servants".

Across the country, democrats are scrambling to curry favor with our new president. Even in the great state of West Virginia, Governor Manchin, and politicians Byrd, and Rockefeller have recently voted against pro gun legislation. So I have been sold out by my former party. They have aligned themselves with the President, and taken his views, rather than stand on their former individual stands.
These are the worse kind of politicos. They are not real men. They have no form of their own, rather they are like water, and will fit into whatever container that their master, BHO, pours them into.

These WV democrats have been the last straw in my exasperation. I did not join the republican party because they have all that I want, but rather, I was driven out of my old party because they have changed, and I believe that I have not changed all that much. I still believe in the Constitution.

So now I am a republican. Big deal. I don't ever vote for a platform any more. I simply vote for the one I feel can do me the least harm. Defensive voting. Damn shame it has come to this in America.

Larry the Hillbilly